Educating the Whole Child:
Mind, Body, and Spirit.
What grades are offered?
We offer preschool (starting at age 3), and go through 8th grade.
Are there school uniforms?
Yes. All students wear school uniforms.
What if my family isn't Catholic?
Many of our students are from families that are not Catholic. We're open to everyone who values faith, service, and quality academics. All students, regardless of their family's faith, attend weekly Mass and particpate in Catholic religious instruction.
What if I can't afford private school?
Financial help is offered to 100% of our families! We participate in the Choice Scholarship program, which helps many families by covering their entire tuition. We have internal scholarships and a Tuition Assistance Fund. For details, see our Financial Assistance page.
What services do you offer students who are struggling academically?
We have a full-time Interventionist to help students individually or in small groups. Also, we have two Instructional Assistants who work with students regularly. We have tutoring programs to assist with Math and Reading. We focus on small-group instruction for all students, and children who struggle academically are given direct support.
Do you offer classes beyond the core academic subjects?
We have weekly classes in Visual Art, Music, Technology, Physical Education, Spanish, and Library.
What are the hours?
Students may arrive as early as 7:30AM. Students should be dropped off by 7:50AM, classes begin at 8:00 M sharp. The elementary school day ends at 3:00PM, and grades 6-7-8 are dismissed at 3:15PM.
Do you offer After-School Care?
Yes. Parents may pick up children anytime before 5:30PM (fees apply).
What about parent involvement?
Helping in classrooms, organizing class parties, and chaperoning field trips are common ways to help.